Origin (Lux #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Release Date: August 27, 2013
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Pages: 364
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Source: Purchased by Reviewer (Amazon)
Goodreads • Amazon • B&N

***Warning: if you have not read Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal, there will be spoilers.***
Daemon will do anything to get Katy back.
After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure.
All Katy can do is survive.
Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’t seem entirely crazy, but the group’s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen?
Together, they can face anything.
But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on? And will they even be together?
I didn't get a ton of time to read Origin until today, but I'd read just enough reviews (spoiler free, of course) and spent enough time on Twitter to see the "game-changing" description tossed around. It's not that I didn't believe the reviewers, but I was stuck in this situation of "how much can things really change?"
The answer is a WHOLE. FREAKING. LOT.
And, since this is a JLA title, there's only one way to do it up right...
After the Barnes & Noble early release sadness (for me and those like me), I was so amped to receive my copy on Tuesday, that when I pulled it out of the mailbox, I shrieked, completely aloud, while Caroline laughed her ass off like the good friend she is. The next 10 or so minutes were basically just this:
I didn't put the freaking thing down for more than 30 seconds for a good long while. And we're not talking reading. Just touching. And talking to it. And possibly petting it a little. This is basically the point where I admit to the internet that I am probably not what would classically be described as a "sane individual."
And you know what, internet?
So, there was a point to this. And that was to say that Origin is, in my opinion, ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY AMAZEBALLS. Probably my favorite in the series. It's hard for me to pick, but the feels. So many feels. The action was more intense, the plot progression was fantastic, and Daemon and Katy were... well...
I think you get the point.
And let's talk about Daemon for a sec. This is the first book where we consistently get his point of view, and you'd be hard pressed not to fall even more in love with him. It really just went to confirm what a wonderful guy he is under the douchebag and make him an even better character. Really getting to directly see the depth of his love for Kat and his family, rather than secondhand through Kat, will make your heart squeeze in the best kind of way. But, despite all the gooey-ness, rest assured there are plenty of eye rolls and slap-him-upside-the-head urges contained within. It is Daemon, after all.
Despite Daemon's awesomeness as an individual, one of the best parts of the book overall was the evenness that's developed in his relationship with Katy. They're finally, after everything, treating each other as complete equals. While still constantly risking themselves for each other, of course. But it made them even more enjoyable and lovable as a couple. Like we needed any help with that.
It should also be noted that I cried. More than once. Some of it was happiness, but certainly not all. There are a couple of sucker punches in here that were hard to get through for me. It was an emotional roller coaster, but it's to be expected with a climax this epic. For real. It's incredible; more so than I ever could have imagined. And the results will be immeasurable.
Basically, read it. Immediately. Really. GO. NOW. It was amazing, and I can't wait for Opposition (Lux #5), despite not being sure if I'm emotionally ready for it.
Seriously; earlier this was me externally and is now me on the inside (last one, I swear):
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