Creatura (Creatura #1) by Nely Cab
Release Date: August 6, 2013
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Mythology
Pages: 291
Format: eBook
Source: Review Copy for Tour
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Isis can control her dreams. Or she could-until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn't bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.
A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.
Who would've known…that sometimes love is lethal?
Creatura had (at least to me) an interesting a unique mythological basis to the story. In the novel, we follow Isis, a girl who went from controlling her dreams to never wanting to fall asleep out of fear. Fear of a monster that she doesn't know, can't see, but that always finds her. Three months into this plague, everyone around Isis is desperate to help her, so she makes the decision to finally confront the beast. And her life will never be the same again.
The love story is one of initial resistance, sweet persistence, and ultimate acquiescence to Isis' feelings. There are parts that will make you shake your head and others where you're melt. There's corny poetry: some of it is adorable and at times, it edged on cringe-worthy, but it's everything we all wanted in young love, once upon a time. I definitely found myself rooting for the couple, even when they got a little too saccharine.
While I wasn't wowed, Creatura was a satisfying, absorbing read that will transport you to a world a lot like our own, but with a lot more magic. And, seriously; who can't get behind that?
Be warned: it ends on a completely-out-of-the-blue, what-the-f@#k-just-happened cliffhanger. You'll be frustrated, possibly even a little angry (I definitely fumed and ranted for a few minutes), but it will leave you wanting more.
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About the Author
Nely Cab was born on December 9, 1974, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She has lived and resided in a small, quiet South Texas town most of her life. Putting her Computer Accounting skills to use, Cab worked in banking for several years. In 2001, the author relocated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where she dedicated time to the study of culinary arts and the art of oil painting. After her return to the U.S., Nely resumed her employment in banking and later transitioned to the field of Social Work.
Today, Nely Cab writes from the comfort of her home, where she lives with her husband and son. Her life goal is to check-off Bucket List Item No. 95,623,351: To Conquer the World. While she aspires world domination, Nely continues to work on her debut series Creatura.
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