Reckless by Danielle Weiler
Release Date: August 9, 2013
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary
Publisher: Ranga Books
Pages: 334
Format: eBook
Source: Review Copy for Tour
Goodreads • Amazon

Milly Benton wants it all to go away. Wants to flip the bird to the nightmares and her parent’s grief and the incessant questions about when she’s going to make something of herself.
But when her parents exile her to the country, Milly has to cope with her annoyingly helpful aunt and three cousins instead. Bitter at the hand she’s been dealt, Milly has stopped dreaming of a future.
In steps Jerome with his tormented blue eyes. Familiar from her childhood and as broken as she. They need each other. But how can they forget?
The loss of Milly's twin has left her and the rest of her family reeling. Directionless and unsure of her place in the world, Milly has taken to apathy in virtually every aspect of her life, most of all at home. When her detachment goes a step to far and lands her in trouble, Milly finds herself shipped of to her aunt and uncle's farm to make sure she stays out of it.
Milly's hard to like at first. Before we get her full back story, there's a lot of anger and not a lot of clear reasons why. She makes horrible decisions, is harsh to the people that love her, and generally acts obnoxious. Gradually, we're given little nuggets that show us what she's really feeling, what she's been through. You start to feel for her a little more. But it takes going to her aunt's and seeing her away from the ghosts that haunt her for Milly to really become someone worth rooting for.
Her relationship with Jerome was sweet and full of comfort. For me, it lacked epic-ness, which I feel all NA books try to portray, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's a gentle romance that's full of friendship and support and can warm your heart without setting fires of either the good or bad kind.
Overall, I enjoyed Reckless. It was slow to get started and the pacing felt rough at times, but the story of a an entire group of people finally healing is sweet and heartwarming. Reckless is a great choice for fans of NA and redemption-style stories.
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About the Author
Danielle Weiler loves all things written. She has her best story ideas in the middle of the night when there’s no chance to remember them the next day. Her first YA novel, Friendship on Fire, was published in 2011. Reckless is Danielle’s first novel for new adults. She has lived and taught high school in New South Wales and Victoria but prefers the sunny weather in Perth. She is kept company by her husband, son and naughty cat, Ginger.
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